Solar Observing: H-Alpha

Images from a May 1st, 1999 observing session include a large prominence complex near the pole, another nearby tree shaped prominence and various other prominences around the limb.

These video capture images of a tree-shaped prominence cover a time period from 10:30 a.m. (c.d.t.) until 3:00 p.m. (c.d.t) on May 1, 1999.

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999Tree Prom - May 1, 1999

Tree Prom - May 1, 1999


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