Photo by Vic & Jen Winter (C)2002 ICSTARS, Inc.

Information on the Discovery
This comet was discovered in the evening sky by three amateur astronomers on 2002 February 1. Kaoru Ikeya (Mori, Shuchi, Shizuoka, Japan) found the comet on February 1.41, while using a 25-cm reflector (39x). He described it as magnitude 9.0, with a weak condensed coma about 2 arcmin in diameter. About an hour and a half later, Daqing Zhang (near Kaifeng, Henan province, China) independently discovered the comet while using a 20-cm reflector). He described the comet as magnitude 8.5 and about 3 arcmin across. Paulo M. Raymundo (Salvador, Brazil) found the comet on February 1.91, while using his 25-cm reflector. He described it as about magnitude 7.5 with a coma 5 arcmin across. (Information provided by Gary kronk - for more information on this comet and many more, visit his website at :

The Comet Gallery
March 22, 2002
March 31, 2002
April 1, 2002
April 3, 2002 (Near Andromeda)
April 4, 2002 (Next to Andromeda)